The Graduate and Professional Allocations Committee (GPAC) is responsible for reviewing funding requests from over 500 student organizations on campus and making funding recommendations to Graduate and Professional Student Organization (GPSG).

GPAC is composed of students representing the seven GPSG member governments to review and allocate funds––Graduate College, Carver College of Medicine, College of Dentistry, College of Law, College of Pharmacy, College of Public Health, and College of Nursing.
GPAC's undergraduate counterpart is the Student Auditing Budgeting and Allocations Committee (SABAC). GPAC works closely with the President of GPSG and Student Organization Business Office (SOBO) to serve and support student activities both on- and off-campus.
GPAC intends to broaden its reach among student organizations by representatives from different colleges and through events and social media. 
If you have questions about how GPSG makes funding decisions, please email GPAC Director Eric Field. If you want to learn more about University policies for student organizations, how to use Engage, and other resources for your student organization? Visit Leadership, Service, and Civic Engagement's page on Organization Management. If you have questions about access to or technical issues with the Engage platform, contact Leadership, Service & Civic Engagement at or (319) 335-3059.

Academic Year 2023–2024 Student Org Budget Deadlines

CycleopensDeadlineFunding Recommendation Time Period:
FY 2024 
Cycle 2
Monday, August 28, 2023, 11:59pmFriday, September 22, 2023, 11:59pmLate Fall/Early Winter
FY 2024 
Cycle 3
Monday, January 15, 2024, 11:59pmFriday, February 9, 2024, 11:59pmLate Winter/Spring
FY 2025 
Cycle 1
Sunday, March 17, 2024, 11:59pmFriday, April 12, 2024, 11:59pmLate Summer/Early Fall

In an effort to serve your student organizations' needs GPSG will now be utilizing a funding model consisting of three equally funded periods. Each period, approximately $36,000 will be available for allocation. GPAC will be prioritizing requests based on the dates of expenditures. Please use the guidelines below to decide when to apply for funding to maximize your chances of successfully funding your organization. Requests occurring outside of the recommended time period will be considered if funds are available. 

Applying for student org funding 

Step 1: Log-on to your org's Engage page.

Step 2: If you don't have access to the treasury module on Engage, request it from a group admin.

Step 3: Complete the budget request form by going to Org Budget Requests → My Budget Requests → Create Request, and selecting the appropriate GPSG Funding Request form (Regular Funding Cycle vs. Rapid Funding Process).

Step 4: Wait for the review committee's recommendations (see 'Review Process' below).

Review Process and Maximum Funding Standards

All University of Iowa graduate and professional student organizations' requests for funding will be reviewed by the GPSG budget committee, called GPAC (Graduate & Professional Allocation Committee). When GPAC reviews your application for funds, they rely on annually revised GPAC Funding Guidelines and Tenets:

GPAC Funding Guidelines and Tenets 2023-2024

You should use this document to help ensure you have a complete, and realistic budget proposal. 

GPAC Representatives 2023-2024 

Committee Chair, GPAC DirectorEric Field
Carver College of MedicineNathan Chen
 College of DentistryBen Gilles
College of LawGoodness Egbe
College of PharmacyAbby Fiorentino
College of Public HealthGrace Olson
Graduate College

Emily Hagan

Soheil Hosseini

Karley Monaghan

College of NursingTaylor Dirks

The Final Decision

GPAC does not make the final decision on student org funding; they make a recommendation to the GPSG delegates, who are elected representatives of the graduate and professional student body. Because the delegates make the final funding decision, student orgs wishing to contest GPAC's recommendation must make their case directly to the delegates. In order to do so, student orgs must alert the GPAC Chair of their intent to appear before the delegates via email at least 24 hours before GPSG is scheduled to meet. GPSG meetings are posted on the webpage. 

Rules and Regulations 

Post Funding Requirements

  • Advertising and Marketing

If your student organization was allocated funding from GPAC, your organization must include the GPSG logo on your marketing and advertising paperwork, e.g. fliers, posters etc.

White Logo

GPSG Seal Logo

  • Large Event Follow Up Form

If your organization was allocated greater than $250 for an event, you must submit a Large Event Follow Up Form. You can obtain this form from the SOBO at the IMU (132 IMU).