Passed Legislation

Short TitleDocumentDate PassedVoting Records
D.B. 1 FY2024 GPSG Budget Approval ActD.B. 18/29/2023D.B. 1 Voting Record
D.R. 1 DEI Director Special Election ResolutionD.R. 18/29/2023D.R. 1 Voting Record
D.R. 2 Grants Director Special Election ResolutionD.R. 28/29/2023D.R. 2 Voting Record
D.B. 2 Approval of GPAC Cycle 2D.B. 29/29/2023D.B. 2 Voting Record
D.B. 3 Hawkeye CaucusD.B. 39/29/2023D.B. 3 Voting Record
D.R. 3 Sustainability Director Special Election ResolutionD.R. 39/29/2023D.R. 3 Voting Record
D.B. 4 Personal Emergency Alarm ActD.B. 49/29/2023D.B. 4 Voting Record
D.B. 5 FY23 Grants Funding Cycle 1 Approval ActD.B. 510/24/2023D.B. 5 Voting Record
D.B. 6 FY24 Grants Funding Cycle 2 Approval ActD.B. 611/28/2024D.B. 6 Voting Record
D.B. 8 FY24 GPAC Cycle 3 Approval ActD.B. 82/13/2024D.B. 8 Voting Record
D.B. 9 Moving Contingency Funds to Graduate and Professional Allocations Committee (GPAC) for the Remainder of FY2024D.B. 93/19/2024D.B. 9 Voting Record
D.B. 10 FY24 Grants Funding Cycle 4 Approval ActD.B. 103/19/2024D.B. 10 Voting Record
D.R. 4 GPSG Constitutional AmendmentD.R. 43/19/2024D.R. 4 Voting Record
D.B. 11 FY25 GPAC Funding Cycle 1 Approval ActD.B. 114/16/2024D.B. 11 Voting Record
D.B. 12 GPAC Funding Tenets and Bylaws AmendmentsD.B. 124/16/2024D.B. 12 Voting Record

Failed Legislation

Short TitleDocumentDate ProposedVoting Records

Prior Legislation

2022 - 2023

Short TitleDocumentDate PassedVoting Records
D.B. 1 GPSG FY2023 BudgetD.B. 19/6/2022D.B. 1 Voting Record
D.R. 1 2022-23 GPSG Agenda and PrioritiesD.R. 19/6/2022D.R. 1 Voting Record
D.B. 2 Canva Pro LegislationD.B. 29/6/2022D.B. 2 Voting Record
D.R. 2 Presidential Charter CommitteesD.R. 29/6/2022D.R. 2 Voting Record
J.R. 2 On the subject of recognition and support for The Food Pantry at IowaJ.R. 29/13/2022Passed by unanimous voice vote
J.R. 3 On the subject of recognition and support for The Food Pantry at IowaJ.R. 39/13/2022Passed by unanimous voice vote
D.B. 3 FY2023 GPSG Contingency Spenddown Approval ActD.B. 310/11/2022D.B. 3 Voting Record
D.B. 4 FY23 Grants Funding Cycle 1 Approval ActD.B. 410/11/2022D.B. 4 Voting Record
D.B. 5 FY23 GPAC Funding Cycle 2 Approval ActD.B. 510/11/2022D.B. 5 Voting Record
D.R. 4 Resolution on the subject of Reproductive Healthcare AccessibilityD.R. 410/11/2022Passed by unanimous voice vote
D.R. 5 Confirmation of 2022-2023 Nominees to Graduate Student Employment CommitteeD.R. 510/11/2022D.R. 5 Voting Record
D.R. 6 Resolution on Committing to the Hawk the Vote 90% ChallengeD.R. 610/11/2022Passed by unanimous voice vote
D.R. 7 Renaming Physical Safety CommitteeD.R. 711/29/2022D.R. 7 Voting Records
D.B. 6 Funding for IMU International BallroomD.B. 611/29/2022D.B. 6 Voting Records
D.B. 7 Grants Cycle 2 ApprovalD.B. 711/29/2022D.B. 7 Voting Records
D.R. 8 Improve the DreamD.R. 811/29/2022D.R. 8 Voting Records
D.R. 9 Presidential Charter Committee AppointmentsD.R. 911/29/2022D.R. 9 Voting Records
D.R. 10 Revision of GPAC Funding GuidelinesD.R. 1011/29/2022D.R. 10 Voting Records
D.B. 8 FY23 Grants Funding Cycle 3 Approval ActD.B. 81/31/2023D.B. 8 Voting Records
D.B. 9 Allocation of Funds for The Food Pantry at IowaD.B. 91/31/2023D.B. 9 Voting Records
D.R. 11 Joint Resolution to Support Graduate Student EmployeesD.R. 111/31/2023D.R. 11 Voting Records
D.B.10 Iowa Legal Defense Clinic Funding D.B. 102/21/2023D.B. 10 Voting Records
D.B.11 Funding for AEDs D.B. 112/21/2023D.B. 11 Voting Records
D.B.12 Additional Funding for Grants D.B. 122/21/2023D.B. 12 Voting Records
D.B.13 Grants Cycle 4 Approval D.B. 132/21/2023D.B. 13 Voting Records
D.B.14 GPAC Cycle 3 Approval D.B. 142/21/2023D.B. 14 Voting Records
D.R.12 Kognito Training Support D.R. 122/21/2023D.R. 12 Voting Records
D.R.13 Need for Emergency Housing Support D.R. 132/21/2023D.R. 13 Voting Records
D.B. 16 D.B. 16 Passed by unanimous voice vote
D.B. 17 PREPaRE Workshop FundingD.B. 175/2/2023D.B. 17 Voting Records
D.B. 18 UCS Funding ActD.B. 185/2/2023D.B. 18 Voting Records
D.B. 19 GPAC Funding Cycle 1 ApprovalD.B. 195/2/2023D.B. 19 Voting Records
D.B. 20 Grants Cycle 6 ApprovalD.B. 205/2/2023D.B. 20 Voting Records

Failed Legislation

Short TitleDocumentDate ProposedVoting Records
D.R. 3 Resolution on the IMU Renovation Fee ProposalD.R. 310/11/2022D.R. 3 Voting Record