GPSG is seeking self-nominations for the 2023-24 executive board. Serving as a GPSG executive is a 5–10-hour weekly time commitment and all members receive a semesterly stipend.
Application Information
Students are welcome and encouraged to nominate themselves for all positions in which they are interested. Descriptions of each position are included below.
Students interested in senior executive positions (President, Vice President, Cabinet Director, Finance Director) should fill out this nomination form no later than 11:59 p.m. CST on Tuesday, March 14, 2023 (this form will be sent to 2022-23 President Amber Crow, Cabinet Director Grace Bryant, and Communications Director Mason Koelm.) Nominees will then be contacted with further instructions regarding the election process, and elections for senior executives will take place on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.
Students interested in director positions (GPAC, Grants, Interprofessional, International Affairs, DEI, Mental Health, Sustainability, Governmental Relations, Physical Health and Safety, Communications) should fill out this nomination form no later than 11:59 p.m. CST on Tuesday, April 11, 2023 (this form will be sent to 2022-23 President Amber Crow, Cabinet Director Grace Bryant, and Communications Director Mason Koelm.) Nominees will then be contacted with further instructions regarding the election process, and elections for directors will take place on Tuesday, April 18, 2023. .
Senior Executive Position Descriptions
- President
The President of GPSG is responsible for both the operation and procedural aspects of GPSG according to this charter and any other procedural documents approved by GPSG. The President is also responsible for external communication to and from GPSG, for working with GPSG to lay out the calendar for the following year, and for representing the graduate and professional student body to campus administrators, the University President, the Board of Regents, the state of Iowa, the Iowa General Assembly, the Governor, and other relevant external authorities. The President appoints the chairs of any ad hoc committee that may be formed during their tenure subject to the approval of GPSG delegates. The President shall serve as the official means of contact from individuals and organizations outside the member governments of GPSG and will be identified as the contact for GPSG on the website as well as all other media. The President is also responsible for the ongoing governmental advocacy efforts of GPSG. At the beginning of the President’s term, the President shall plan and implement GPSG’s governmental advocacy agenda. The President may also collaborate with the appropriate undergraduate student government counterpart. The duties of GPSG President include but are not limited to representing the council on the following University Committees: Shared Governance Council; Student Activity Fee Committee; Graduate Student Employment Committee; and the Hancher-Finkbine Committee as well acting as the main liaison on the Presidential Student Leadership Meetings, the Board Regents, State of Iowa meetings as well as various meetings with the UI Provost and the Student Life Administration.
- Vice President
The Vice President of GPSG assists the President in carrying out the internal communication functions of the Graduate and Professional Student Government, for planning and presiding over Delegate Council meetings, and acting as the main communication between the GPSG delegates and the GPSG executive board. The Vice President will assume GPSG President’s duties in the case of their absence. The Council of Delegates will report directly to the Vice President and the President Pro Tempore of the Delegate Council. The duties of GPSG Vice President include but are not limited to representing the council on the following University Committees: Shared Governance Council; Student Activity Fee Committee; Graduate Student Employment Committee, as well acting as a liaison on the Presidential Student Leadership Meetings, the State Board Regents meetings as well as various meetings with the UI Provost and the Student Services Administration. The GPSG Vice President will also serve as a Co-Chair of the Nominations Committee for Presidential Charter Committees.
- Cabinet Director
The Cabinet Director shall serve as principal advisor to the President and Vice President. The Cabinet Director shall ensure that the agenda set by the President and Vice President is carried out. The Cabinet Director serves as a resource to all Executive Officers and Committee Chairs in the fulfillment of their respective job duties and responsibilities. The Cabinet Director ensures that tasks and projects assigned to the Directors are completed efficiently and in a manner that best represents GPSG. The Cabinet Director will work with the President to conduct regular officer performance evaluations and shall meet regularly one-on-one with the Executive Officers and Committee Chairs to address any needs.
- Finance Director
The Finance Director will serve as the budget director for GPSG. The Finance Director will also oversee the operations of the Graduate and Professional Allocations Committee (GPAC) and the Graduate and Professional Grants Committee via the GPAC Chair and Grants Director, and report directly to the GPSG President and Delegates. The Finance Director will oversee the finances related to those two committees but will not participate in the decision-making process and will not hold voting rights in the committees. The Finance Director will consolidate applications and distribute Student Organization funding requests and GPSG grant applications to the GPAC Chair and Grants Director, respectively. The Finance Director will also be responsible for communicating the maximum allowable funds for each budget or grants cycle. The Finance Director, at every regular Delegate Council meeting, shall provide updates on the functioning of GPAC and the Grants Program to the Council.
Director Position Descriptions
- Graduate/Professional Allocations Committee (GPAC) Director
The GPAC Director will oversee allocations to student organizations in collaborations with USG’s SABAC Chair. The GPAC Director shall report directly to the Finance Director who will work in close collaboration with the President, Vice President, and Cabinet Director. The duties of the GPAC Director shall be outlined in the GPAC Charter and Bylaws.
- Grants Director
The Grants Director shall oversee the GPSG Grants Program and shall have general responsibility for ensuring the effective and efficient administration of the program. The Grants Director shall report directly to the Finance Director who will work in close collaboration with the President, Vice President, and Cabinet Director.
- International Affairs Director
The International Affairs Director shall work with the President, Governmental Relations, Diversity Equity and Inclusion, Physical Safety, Mental Health, and Interprofessional Directors to cater towards advocating for the concerns of international graduate and professional students to University personnel, local, state, and federal legislators.
- Interprofessional Director
The Interprofessional Director(s) shall work with the Interprofessional committee to plan, coordinate, and implement initiatives that span multiple member government student constituencies. This includes, but is not limited to academic, social, and advocacy events.
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Director
The DEI Director shall plan, coordinate, and implement diversity-related initiatives for GPSG. The DEI Director shall serve as the primary contact between GPSG and campus offices related to equal opportunity and diversity. The DEI Director shall endeavor to enhance student involvement in diversity-related activities and initiatives.
- Mental Health Director
The Mental Health Director is responsible for the creation of student mental health initiatives in GPSG, in collaboration with the GPSG President and Vice President and the USG Student Safety Coalition. At the direction of the President and Vice President, the Mental Health Director shall plan and implement GPSG’s student mental health agenda.
- Sustainability Director
The Sustainability Director will work in conjunction with the USG Director of Sustainability Advocate and the Office of Sustainability to support university sustainability initiatives. The Sustainability Director is also responsible for the creation of GPSG related sustainability initiatives throughout the year.
- Governmental Relations (GR) Director
The GR Director shall work with the President to develop an advocacy plan for the year. The advocacy plan shall include priorities for the federal, state, and local level. GPSG shall focus its advocacy efforts to those issues relating to graduate and professional students at the University of Iowa.
- Communications Director
The GPSG Communications Director is responsible for recording minutes at GPSG meetings and for distributing those minutes as appropriate. The Communications Director is also responsible for the distribution of the meeting agenda. The Communications Director will attend any meetings with UI administrators as requested by the President. The Communications Director is also responsible for maintaining and updating the GPSG website in cooperation with GPSG officers and committee chairs. If GPSG chooses to sponsor or collaborate on programming, the Communications Director is ultimately responsible for arranging the collaborative efforts and for publicizing the events. The Communications Director is responsible for publicizing GPSG functions and deadlines. The Communication Director can be designated to speak on behalf of GPSG or otherwise represent GPSG, provided that he/she/they acts in close collaboration with the President.
- Physical Health and Safety Director
The Physical Health and Safety Director is responsible for the creation of student physical safety initiatives in GPSG, in collaboration with the GPSG President and Vice President and the USG Student Safety Coalition. At the direction of the President and Vice President, the Physical Health and Safety Director shall plan and implement GPSG’s student physical health and safety agenda.
Please direct any questions about the nomination/election process to GPSG Cabinet Director Grace Bryant (