Dear Hawkeyes,
Yesterday, a tweet with the image of a hateful drawing in a library study room was circulated on Twitter. This unacceptable act does not reflect our values as an institution, and it certainly does not reflect our values as your student government. We are committed to achieving excellence through diversity, and demonstrations of bigotry will not be tolerated. If you have been impacted by this or any other instance of prejudice, please lean on the university resources listed below and let us know how we can help.
- University Counseling Services, (319) 335-7294
- The Office of the Dean of Students, (319) 335-1162
- Center for Diversity and Enrichment, (319) 335-3555
- Campus Inclusion Team, (319) 335-1162
Noel Mills & Sarah Henry, University of Iowa Student Government
Dexter Golinghorst & Thomas Pak, Graduate & Professional Student Government