GPSG is looking forward to being closely involved in the search process for the next University of Iowa President as well as working with the representatives from the other shared governance bodies—USG, Faculty Senate, and Staff Council. GPSG President Mackensie Graham and Graduate Student Senate (GSS) President John Piegors are dedicated to representing and advocating for graduate and professional student interests throughout the process.
Read below for more details about the University of Iowa Presidential Search Committee as published in IowaNow.
UI Presidential Search Committee Announced
The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, has announced the names of the University of Iowa Presidential Search Committee. The committee is charged with identifying finalists for the board’s consideration to become the next president of the UI.
The committee, which will work in conjunction with the search firm that will be hired by the board to help facilitate the process, will be co-chaired by Sandy Daack-Hirsch, associate professor and interim executive associate dean of the College of Nursing, and John Keller, associate provost and dean of the Graduate College.
“This group is diverse, inclusive, and well-representative of the University of Iowa community,” says Daack-Hirsch. “Our committee is ready to get started, and looks forward to assisting in the process of selecting the next UI president.”
“We will make this an open and transparent process, and throughout we will follow the best practices document that was developed in conjunction with the Board of Regents,” says Keller. “We are excited to begin our work and help find the next outstanding leader for the University of Iowa.”
The search committee will hold its first meeting in December, with a date and time to be announced. All committee meetings will be live-streamed.
Members of the committee include:
- Sandy Daack-Hirsch, associate professor, and interim executive associate dean of the College of Nursing, committee co-chair
- John Keller, associate provost, and dean of the Graduate College, committee co-chair
- P. Sue Beckwith, alumna
- Nancy Boettger, Board of Regents, State of Iowa
- David Cunning, professor of philosophy and department chair, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Anjali Deshpande, clinical associate professor of epidemiology, College of Public Health
- Armando Duarte, professor of dance and director of the bachelor of fine arts program, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Richard Frauenholz, president, AFSCME Local 12
- Cathy Glasson, president, SEIU Local 199
- Mackensie Graham, president, graduate and professional student government
- Nicole Grosland, professor of biomedical engineering, College of Engineering, and faculty athletics representative
- Kay Hegarty, associate professor of practice in accounting, Tippie College of Business
- Jim Lindenmayer, Board of Regents, State of Iowa
- Teresa Marshall, professor and Michael W. Finkelstein Centennial Professor of Teaching, College of Dentistry, and vice president, Faculty Senate
- Heather Mineart, president, Staff Council
- John Piegors, president, Graduate Student Senate and UE Local 896 COGS
- Ali Salem, professor of pharmaceutical sciences and Lyle and Sharon Bighley Endowed Chair, College of Pharmacy
- Liz Tovar, interim associate vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion
- Doug Van Daele, professor of otolaryngology, executive director of UI physicians, and vice dean of clinical affairs, Carver College of Medicine
- Connor Wooff, president, Undergraduate Student Government
- Joseph Yockey, professor and Michael and Brenda Sandler Faculty Fellow in Corporate Law, College of Law, and president of Faculty Senate