GPSG is disgusted and saddened by the tragic event(s) which took place in Charlottesville, Virginia. The racism, hatred, and terrorism displayed on that day should not reflect the values of any institution and/or person. We, as a community, must stand up against racism, bigotry, and neo-nazism.
This is the time where we must ask ourselves who we want to be as a people and as a nation. We must all be active and vigilant to stop the racism, hatred, and inequality in this country. We have not done enough and now is the time - no more excuses and no more sitting on the sidelines. We must come together and stop what is happening, and has always been happening, in this country. All, especially the privileged and majority, must work and demand equality for all people. We cannot allow another Charlottesville to happen. Please be peacefully active in your workplace, community, with school officials, with government officials, and with your local police force to stop racism, bigotry, and hatred. The racism and hate must stop. Take a stand; stand together.