The community spread of and University of Iowa response to the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic requires changes to GPSG’s standard practices in administering our grants program. In making the following changes, we strived to balance the needs and interests of the students we serve with the guidelines and compliance set forth by the University of Iowa.
Cycle 6 Applications
Due to University of Iowa travel restrictions and guidance from the Iowa Department of Public Health and CDC, GPSG will not be accepting travel grants for Cycle 6. Travel grant applications will be tentatively accepted beginning again in Cycle 1 of FY21, pending the lift of travel restrictions and new guidance from the University and governmental agencies.
GPSG will continue to accept research and service grants for Cycle 6. These grant applications will be reviewed using the same criteria and process as described in the application materials. The deadline for submissions remains unchanged.
Guidance for Grant Recipients in FY 20
We recognize that the changes to virtual learning and social distancing make it difficult to use previously awarded travel, research, and service grants within the timeline of the original application.
Where possible, we still encourage grant recipients to use their awards within the 180 day timeline of their initial awards. Those who need an extension may request one on a case-by-case basis from the GPSG Grants Director, by emailing Grant extensions will be approved for a maximum of one academic year, expiring June 30, 2021.
If you are a graduating student, we are unfortunately not able to extend grant funds beyond your time as a student at the University of Iowa. Funds that are unused or cannot be extended will revert to GPSG for reallocation to future grant applicants.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with questions to
The policy announcements in this memo shall take effect immediately (Friday, April 3, 2020).
-GPSG President Dexter Golinghorst and Grants Director Andrew Friederich