Nikta Kia

Association of Graduate Nursing Students

Hi, I’m Nikta, and I’m a second-year nursing PhD student from college of nursing. My research area is pain in cancer patients. I’m the Association of graduate nursing students (AGNS) delegate and this is the first-time experience and I look forward to improving my communication skill and be as representative from the CON.

Before joining the University of Iowa College of Nursing, I completed my master's degree in Critical Care Nursing in 2021 in Iran. I have held various roles throughout my career, including Emergency Room Nurse, Cardiac Scrub Nurse, Adjunct Lecturer, and Adjunct Undergraduate Clinical Instructor. These roles have afforded me a wealth of invaluable experiences. Notably, I was promoted to a managerial position during my tenure as a scrub nurse in 2017. Additionally, I received letters of appreciation from the School of Paramedical Science dean for two consecutive years (2019-2021) for my volunteer work as a clinical instructor. Subsequently, I was formally employed as a clinical instructor at the university.