Tuesday, November 12, 2019

GPSG's Government Relations Committee needs your help!

We are building a platform of issues that represent the unique interests of graduate and professional students at the University of Iowa.  We will use this platform to develop an advocacy program to communicate your needs to local, state, and federal government bodies.

We want to know what issues you prioritize as a graduate or professional student. You can let us know in any one of the three following ways:

    • Attend our Brainstorming Session on Monday, Nov. 18 from 5:45-6:45 in the Iowa Memorial Union Divine 9 Room (room 335) to share what issues are important to your experience as a graduate or professional student.
    • Complete this Qualtrics Survey that will shape committee discussions about our legislative priorities.
    • Reach out to any of the following Government Relations Committee members to offer input:
- Paul Esker, Gov. Relations Chair (College of Law): paul-esker@uiowa.edu
- Ellen Kiser, GSS Delegate (Biomedical Sciences, Microbiology): ellen.kiser@uiowa.edu
- Zach Grewe (College of Law): zachary-grewe@uiowa.edu
- Willie Bradley (Higher Education & Student Affairs): willie-bradley@uiowa.edu
- Alyson Sorensen (College of Law): alyson-sorensen@uiowa.edu


We look forward to hearing about your issue priorities over the coming weeks. Feel free to reach out with any questions!