Articles from March 2021

Trans Day of Visibility Rally and Trans Inclusivity Coalition Open Letter
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
All are invited to attend the Trans Day of Visibility Rally today (3/31/21), at 5pm CST at the Pentacrest. The rally is sponsored by the University of Iowa Trans Alliance and LGBTQ Iowa Archives and Library.

Take the Lead: GPSG Elections - Candidate Applications Due April 13
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Now's your chance to share your vision, talents, and energy to represent and advocate on behalf of all graduate and professional students at the University of Iowa! GPSG elections for officer and committee chair positions will be held virtually on Sunday, April 18, 2021, starting at 6pm.
Submit an Event for Graduate & Professional Student Appreciation Week 2021
Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Mark your calendar for the annual Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week is coming up April 5–9, 2021. The Week is co-hosted by the Graduate College, Graduate Student Senate, and GPSG.

Presidential Charter Committee Applications Due March 28, 2021
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Each spring the University of Iowa’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and Graduate & Professional Student Government (GPSG) search for interested students to fill student representative positions in Presidential Charter and All-University committees. All UI students—undergraduate, graduate, and professional—are encouraged to apply.

"Coping in the Time of COVID-19" Presentation Series
Friday, March 19, 2021
Tune in to a mental health presentation series hosted by University Counseling Services, "Coping in the Time of COVID-19.

March Madness Competition
Sunday, March 14, 2021
GET YOUR BRACKETS READY! The competition opens TODAY 3/14 after the selection show; entries due on Friday 3/19 @ 11 AM. WINNERS WILL GET PRIZES! Join at: https://tinyurl.

COVID-19 Graduate and Professional Student Survey Report
Thursday, March 11, 2021
The "COVID-19 Graduate and Professional Student Survey Report," compiled by the GPSG Health & Safety Committee, shares and analyzes the responses from more than 800 University of Iowa graduate and professional students. View the full report here.
Graduate & Professional Trivia Night - March 11, 2021
Sunday, March 7, 2021
The Graduate & Professional Student Government Interprofessional Committee is excited to invite all University of Iowa graduate and professional students to join a fun, casual trivia night hosted by the trivia experts at Andrew's Bar Exam.
Apply by March 15 to be a Veteran Innovation Series Speaker
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Iowa Veteran Education, Transition, and Support (IVETS) is hosting a Veteran Innovation Series. The series provides the opportunity for UIowa graduate and professional student Veterans in to collaborate across disciplines, promote their research, and network with other successful Veterans.
Submit Events to Graduate & Professional Student Appreciation Week (April 5–9, 2021)
Monday, March 1, 2021
GPSG has teamed up with the Graduate College and Graduate Student Senate to celebrate Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week, April 5–9, 2021.